Surviving and recovering from cancer - Flying site


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Surviving and recovering from cancer

Cancer- Surviving and recovering from cancer

Surviving and recovering from cancer

As your cancer survivor speaker, I feel obligated to inform you what I even have learned from 14 years of traveling the road of cancer.

 this is often my experience and that i hope it can assist you ask the questions and learn more faster to assist you heal all of you.

There are many paths to require in your cancer survivor journey and different treatment options. Choose what feels right for you. Not one path is that the account everyone.

 Not one path works for everybody . there's not one answer yet to cure cancer. But whatever you are doing and whatever you select , choose with knowledge and wisdom.

I had surgery to get rid of an orange size melanoma tumor from my ovary and at the time they thought it had spread to all or any my organs.

 During one conversation with my oncologist we were discussing the dimensions and mitotic rate of my cancer. They estimated 60 million melanoma cells and a really high rate of growth.

  could have you ever dropped a number of those 60 million cancer cells? Could these cells that would are dropped travel elsewhere and begin growing?"

Of course his answer was yes. I told him please, please don't tell people you bought it all! we do not understand.

 Then a year or two or five years down the road once we have another big tumor growing inside us, we are saying i assumed you bought it all.

Our doctors can do surgery to get rid of a tumor or use drugs or chemo to poison the cancer cells or use radiation to burn the cancer cells.

 But what do they are doing to stop them from growing somewhere else? My doctors couldn't tell me.

 I hope and pray they're now telling the many people suffering with cancer. this is often the large question for all folks .

What can we do to assist our bodies be whole? What can we do to heal our cells and organs and our body systems?

One thing i do know needless to say is God gave us the foods we'd like on this earth to feed our bodies, so we must use them appropriately.

The second thing i do know needless to say is that when we've surgery, chemo and radiation our bodies are under an excellent deal of stress and toxicity and it's harder for them to destroy any abnormal cell growth.

 to possess cancer our bodies already aren't functioning properly. Then add treatment to the combination and that we could have a major environment for more cancer.

The third thing i do know needless to say is we've to rebuild and strengthen our bodies to function as they were intended. we all know the system is vital to the present . So build your system .

Whatever your choice of treatment, there are belongings you can do to assist your body heal.

 Ask your doctor, it's critical in your survival. do not be caught one year or several years down the road with another tumor without doing everything you recognize to heal body, mind and spirit.

If you want to know how to survive and the secrets of staying without a doctor, I advise you to click here

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